Bon Saint Valentine!

French Word of the Day: amour (ah more)- love- although I assume you all knew that

I’m a day late, but I hope that you all had better things to do on Valentine’s Day than check my blog and wonder why I hadn’t updated.

I couldn’t find glitter, otherwise I would have send you all sparkly postcards.  Apparently the French don’t do the Valentine’s Day card thing… just a ton of flowers.  There are always men walking around throughout the city trying to get you to buy flowers, but they triple their already impressive numbers for the day of amour.  Théo and I saw a vendor yesterday and automatically did our “AHHHHH NO FLOWERS!” duck away from him.  After we passed him, Théo said, “Oh right, I probably could have gotten you one today… I’m just so used to avoiding them that it’s a reflex.”

I told Théo not to get me anything for Valentine’s Day because I’m not that big a fan of Valentine’s Day gifts unless they contain glitter.  This could also be because I have a long and glorious tradition of being sick on Valentine’s Day and mentally associate it with viruses.

I didn’t have a horrible cold or the flu for this one!  Although I did have a doctor’s appointment for my lupus, so I don’t know if that c0unts.  Théo came with me and amused me with the Valentine’s Day messages section in the newspaper.  Thing I learned:  the average French person is just as bad at writing sappy love messages as the average American person.

This one is a sample, but also for Jean-Pierre… my own, my love, my car:

It says, “Jean-Pierre: My love, since we met you have been my daily sunshine/ ray of sunshine!”

Some people might suggest that this picture has been photo-shopped and that the original ad was from some woman named Christine who was talking to a real man and not a green, VW bug.  Those people would be wrong.

After the doctor’s appointment, I attempted to help Théo buy a gift for his sister for her birthday.  It should be noted that I suck at shopping.  We went to jewelry places and clothing stores and makeup places.  Normally our conversations consisted of this:

Théo: How’s this?

Meghan: No… not that.

Théo: How about this?

Meghan: Maybe?

Théo: Maybe?  Do you have any ideas?

Meghan: I don’t know… I’m not really good at being a girl.  Maybe you should ask Annuli to help; she’s a real girl.

Of course, as soon as he decided he was going to get her a television series instead, I was much more helpful.  I gave him 5 things to choose from and promised that she would like whichever one he chose.  He picked Arrested Development, which no one in France has heard of.  I was extremely saddened to find this out.  I’m glad Chloé will at least be able to see its brilliance.  (Here’s to hoping the jokes translate well into French!)

Does it say something that I’m better at DVD shopping than clothing/ jewelry/ makeup shopping?  Other than that I’d be an awful personal shopper.  Ooo!  I can also pick out chocolate!  Food and television…

This is why I don’t like people buying me things for Valentine’s Day.  I don’t even know what to get me for Valentine’s Day.  Besides pain au chocolat, which Théo DID buy for me.  He also got me a drink, so I think that counts.

I just realized I didn’t get him anything.  Who wants to send me glitter so that I can make an obnoxious, heart-shaped card for him with poorly written French poetry (that I may or may not be stealing word-for-word from the newspaper ads from yesterday)?  I know that’s what every guy wants to get for Valentine’s Day so he can show it to all his friends.

Just like that one.

This is probably why God makes sure I’m sick every Valentine’s Day… so that my boyfriends don’t die of embarrassment at their glitter cards.

Pain au chocolat count: 52

6 thoughts on “Bon Saint Valentine!

  1. Um, I think it says you’re an English major. Just sayin’.

    So is it horrifying that I jump into these things with such gusto? I plot and connive, even if all I’m actually doing is giving him a card. I printed little cut-outs at work, the kind you’d give out in elementary school, and hid them for Joe to find. And I made muffins, but not because it was Valentine’s Day. I was just hungry. But I do this at every special occasion, Christmas, birthdays, etc. I’m such a sap.

  2. If it makes you feel any better, I am also often sick at Valentine’s Day! I was supposed to even have a francophone soiree tonight and prepared valentines for everyone with french quotes about love and what have you … didn’t happen!

    I’ve had a look at your blog a few times and have really enjoyed it! How much longer will you be in Paris? I lived there for a year, and lived in Geneva for 12 years, Avignon for 3 months and always tried to do long week-ends or vacations in the Southern part of France. I loved living in Europe and immersing myself in the French language and cultures. I’m back in the States, doing a PhD in francophone lit.

    Have a peek at my blog if you’d like. From time to time, I write on a francophone topic. I haven’t yet figured out how to follow your blog automatically … I will figure it out, I’m sure!

    Soigne-toi bien et profite de Paris!!

  3. Monsieur Garden et moi avons survecus a plusieurs decennies de NON Saint Valentin.
    Nous n’avons jamais fete la Saint Valentin. Je trouve qu’un pain au chocolat, mais tu dois dire : “une chocolatine” est un cadeau merveilleux.

    1. Je suis d’accord!!!!!! C’est mon cadeau préféré, même si elle ne dure pas très longtemps. Heureusement, c’est un cadeau pour toujours… pas seulement Saint Valentine. 😉

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